Siemens Solid Edge

The Solid Edge portfolio indeed covers a comprehensive range of tools essential for product development across various stages. It’s known for its robust capabilities in mechanical and electrical design, simulation, manufacturing, technical publications, and data management.

Solid Edge Mechanical Design

Solid Edge Mechanical Design offers a robust set of features including synchronous technology for Part and Assembly design, Weldment and Sheet metal design, Drafting, Visualization, and Data management. These tools enhance productivity and precision, allowing engineers to tackle complex projects more effectively. Solid Edge Mechanical Design empowers engineers and designers to handle complex tasks with increased productivity and precision

Solid Edge Electrical Design

Solid Edge simplifies electromechanical design with specialized tools for seamless electrical and mechanical collaboration. Leveraging industry-leading technology, our electrical design products are globally trusted and proven. Solid Edge Wiring Design automates standards-based diagram generation and cross-referencing for multi-sheet schematics, and automatically generate reports for wires, connectors, and devices used in a design.

Solid Edge Simulation

Identifying and resolving design issues before manufacturing can greatly reduce costs and delivery time by minimizing the need for physical prototypes. The Solid Edge portfolio offers powerful tools for digital optimization and validation of designs. With built-in Finite Element Analysis (FEA), design engineers can validate part and assembly designs directly within the Solid Edge environment. This approach significantly lowers material and testing costs, while also saving valuable design time.

Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge

Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge provides an embedded CFD simulation tool for streamlined, rapid, and precise analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer directly within the Solid Edge environment. FLOEFD  enables design engineers to front-load CFD, moving simulation early into the design process where it can help examine trends and eliminate less desirable design options.

Solid Edge Technical Publications

Solid Edge Technical Publications is a comprehensive authoring tool designed to streamline the creation of interactive and printed technical documents. Seamlessly integrating with Solid Edge and other 3D CAD models, it enables the efficient development of product manuals, training materials, service instructions, and parts catalogs. The tool enhances document accuracy and consistency by leveraging real-time CAD data, automates content updates, and supports various formats for both digital and print outputs. This ensures clear, precise, and up-to-date technical documentation, improving user experience and operational efficiency.

Searching for a Reliable Software
License Provider?

Rainbow Technologies specializes in providing licensed software for comprehensive design and simulation solutions in the CAD, CAM, CAE, and PLM industries. We assist our clients in streamlining workflows, enhancing product quality, and accelerating time to market. Our team of experts provides dedicated support and training to ensure that our customers can fully leverage the capabilities of the software solutions we offer.